Brought to you by VIDEOREMIX [Pioneers In Video Marketing]

FIRST TO THE JVZOO MARKET. Get The First-Mover Advantage

Breakthrough ENTERPRISE-GRADE Personalized Video Marketing Platform For Businesses And Marketers Helps…

Generate Qualified Leads. Boost Engagement. Accelerate Sales.

Taking Video Personalization To The Next Level With Custom Workflows For:

Marketing . Email Campaign . Sales . Business Demoing

Experience The Power Of In-Video & Hyper Video Personalization…

Get Instant Access to Smart Video Revolution

The Discount Expires In:


No-Risk | Strictly One-Time Offer |
Special Low One-Time Introductory Fee

Smart Video Revolution Has Helped Increase Engagement, Conversions and Sales For Marketers & Businesses Across The Board

So I wanted to share that I have gotten my first client with VideoRemix SmartVideo. I am working with a bunch of Health Insurance Agents, doing video marketing for them and will be starting with some lead generation. I am getting $249 per agent per month to post videos on their Facebook page. I was not sure where to price but I am editing the videos per agent just a little bit and puttig them out there for 6 agents. Not a lot at $1,494 a month but it is a start.

Terri Bork

Terri Bork

Internet Marketer

Testimonial Wednesday answers:
1 – Did you land a client? Yes, a financial planning company.
2 – How? I used Loom to get the appointment. I also sent Forbes personalized Remix video. Client reaction was outstanding.
3 – How much are you going to get paid? $2,000/month on the table for Principal Adviser and if he liked what I do, he would have 7 other team advisers do the same. Could develop into about $15,000/month quickly.

Mark Graff

Mark Graff

Internet Marketer

You Too Can Replicate Our Results By Using This Advanced Technology

Using Video Personalization Is Not Optional For Businesses In 2020

True personalization of customer experience will stop being reserved for a select few and will need to become an operational principle for any marketer who wants to remain relevant in an increasingly fragmented and regulated environment.

Tamara Gruzbarg

Senior Director of Analytics and Research at

Personalized Videos Are A Powerful Way To Capture And Keep Your Audience’s Attention!

You can use personalized videos to increase email conversions, boost landing page sign-ups, make nurture more personal, improve customer satisfaction, and more.

You can insert personal elements such as the viewer’s name, email, location, profile image etc. directly into the video.

Use the same video over and over again.

Everyone who sees that one video is convinced that it was made from scratch ONLY for him/her. It’s both shocking and engaging – both good for business!

TODAY You Need Personalized Video for EVERY Stage of the Customer Lifecycle, Across All Industries

Generate Qualified Leads

Dynamic Video Ads on Facebook beat everything out there and are known to increase Click-Through-Rates by 5X, improve Brand Recall by 4X and Generate highly-qualified leads.

Engaging Leads To Boost Conversions

You need to truly connect with your prospects to get more replies and responses.

Sending mass personalized video email campaigns at scale and delivering a personalized video experience by stitching your email content with video helps you do that.

Accelerate Sales

Videos scream attention in an inbox and help in gaining users’ confidence.

Integrating your viewer information like name, email, geo location and image right into the video itself… quickly creates a compelling video for selling pitches, presales, demos etc.

Increase Customer Retention

It is absolutely vital to engage with your customers at key points during their lifecycle.

Renewals, special occasions or loyalty programs all present great opportunities to delight your customers with a Personalized Video.


As per support request: I have landed 1 client. I am charging £150 per video which is about $190. I have made 3 videos so far… and a few projects in the queue.

I got this customer through referral.

And thanks for the FREE templates.

Diane Pither

Diane Pither

Internet Marketer

I have landed my first client a couple of days ago from Mexico while I am in Australia.

I have been in Puerto Vallarta a couple of years ago and really liked the Krystal Hotel. I have created this video with a sample sign through it and sent to them through Messenger and offered it for free.

They wanted to know more and we agreed on $179 for a two weeks trial of personalization.

Adam Kopacsy

Adam Kopacsy

Internet Marketer

Watch What Steve Has to Say About Smart Video Revolution

Here’s the main problem though…

Until Now ONLY Businesses With Deep Pockets Could Afford This Technology

Spirable Refuels With $7.4M To Serve More Personalized Video Ads In The US

They ran 2 highly successful campaigns using video personalizations…

The Deutsche Bahn
‘No Need To Fly’ Campaign

That used dynamic video to show a location-sensitive side by side comparison of flight costs juxtaposed with cheaper train trips to local beauty spots — achieved a 397% increase in click-throughs; a 849% performance increase; and 59% reduction in cost per click vs the control.

The Vodafone Campaign

To promote two own-brand smartphone models which integrates multiple data feeds (such as contextual weather and date data) with creative assets in order to dynamically spotlight different features of the devices.

Vodafone saw sales of its own-brand devices increase by 100%. While ad performance increased by up to 50%.

Marketo’s Personalized Event Invite Increased CTR 144%

When the Marketo team used a personalized video to invite people to Marketo Summit, the email generated a 36% increase in open rate and a 144% bump in click-through rate.

Norton Makes Explanations Personal

The security software provider Norton inserted personalized elements like the viewer’s name and a screenshot of their websites into its explainer video.

Their use of both text and image-based personalization upped the wow factor.

Amnesty International Earns an 83% Click-Through Rate

Amnesty International Canada used personalized video to engage and retain its existing donors.

This thank you video inserted the viewers’ names as well as their contribution to the cause and made a clear and salient connection between their effort and the overall program outcome.

PortoBay Hotels Increases Average Viewer Attention Rate 70%

PortoBay Hotels and Resorts pulled off an incredible feat. They more than doubled their normal viewer attention rate in what otherwise might have been a boring video: A GDPR-mandated update to their terms and conditions.

Think about the formula:

Video + Personalization = $$$ = VideoRemix. The simple straightforward technique to master this niche.

Neil Ellington

Internet Marketer

Good News Peter – We Have Changed That…

And Now This Advanced Tech Is Available To You… At An Affordable Price (ONLY During This Special Launch):

Experience Unprecedented Increase In Levels Of Engagement With In-Video & Hyper Video Personalization For…

Increased Sales Outreach

Engage with prospects or past customers who have gone cold and instantly turn them into active customers

Complete Marketing Automation

Build hyper-personalized marketing campaigns, get more leads, boost engagement and improve retention

Advanced Video Creation

Humanize video communication and move your prospects from awareness to decision stage faster

Proudly Presenting…


Personalized Video Marketing Platform For Your Business

The Discount Expires In:


No-Risk | Strictly One-Time Offer |
Special Low One-Time Introductory Fee

Several factors make Video Remix work. By itself, Video Remix is shocking the first time one sees it and surprising in many applications. Combined with other elements, it just gets better: customize beautiful work others have done and use it to help them. Use professioal video owrk included inside Video Remix resource pages. Create, create, create and find great ceations with which you can combine your own work. Whenever one combines fresh, new creative works with the personalization capacity of Video Remix, he or she develops something surprising, or even shocking, again and again.

Rick Porterfield

Internet Marketer

With Access To Smart Video Revolution… Get Ready For:

More Sales

Effortlessly achieve higher closing rates… using Smart Video Revolution to target new or existing customers with custom offers that deliver high conversion rates. Use personalized videos to reduce subscriber churn.

More Profits Per Customer

Use personalized videos to delight your customers and encourage retention, satisfaction & customer loyalty. Use personalized videos to upsell or cross-sell to new and existing customers and watch your profits swell.

A Better Customer Experience

Decrease customer support costs and churn by creating individualized experiences powered by personalized videos. Help customers understand complex information, especially while onboarding.

Create Personalized Videos In 3 Simple Steps…


Import Media Into Full Feature Drag & Drop Cloud Video Personalization Editor

Edit, mix and mash videos, audio and images. and mix, mash, combine and edit media.

Cut videos, trim them and insert voiceovers, all in the cloud with no software to download.


Personalize Video & Add Elements

Insert text and image personalization, popups, loops and, best of all, lower thirds and combo elements, which add stunning layers to your videos and give them a professional edge… all with point-n-click simplicity.


Share Personalized Video Campaigns

Use autoresponder, Facebook and LinkedIn for distributing your personalized videos to 1,000’s, each viewer receiving a unique video.

FIVE Ways YOU Can Instantly Start Profiting With Smart Video Revolution

Generate Qualified Leads

Use personalized videos along with your Opt-ins & Lead Magnets to generate hyper-responsive leads.

Increase opt-ins by enticing visitors and viewers to unlock a personalized video after subscribing, resulting in high website and Facebook ad funnel conversions.

Earn Fat Commissions With Your Affiliate Promos

Add quick intros and outros with your voiceover, including targeted personalization and clickable call-to-action with your affiliate link.

See a big increase in conversions with this personalized experience.

Regularly crush leaderboards, win big prize money along with massive commissions and turn into a super-affiliate.

Sell, Upsell and Cross-Sell eCommerce Physical Products

Create custom personalized videos, insert images, names of last product bought or geo-target products to customers… and watch your sales skyrocket.

Sell Info & Software Products

Offer discounts only to a customer’s email address, add clickable CTAs and creatively insert a customer’s name into personalized sales videos to massively improve conversions.

Local Brick & Mortar Clients

Sell personalization campaigns to local clients, driving new customers for them with a powerful and compelling offering that boosts ROI.

Watch Me Create A Personalized Video In Minutes WITHOUT Requiring ANY Tech Skills

Let’s Take A Look At The AMAZING Features That Make…

Smart Video Revolution The Perfect ENTERPRISE-GRADE Personalized Video Marketing Platform

Full Feature Drag & Drop Cloud Video Personalization Editor

Be it a perfect “square video” for Instagram or Facebook timeline videos or maybe you just want to resize… Smart Video Revolution gives you full control over the canvas size. Simply drag the cursor to change the size of the video that you want.

Import any kind of media, videos or images in just 1-click and then use this powerful editor to make it your own.

Smart Video Revolution’s advanced editor offers you more options than any other editor out there…

…from complete control over video opacity and video blending like dissolve, multiply, screen, overlay, hard light, soft light, darken, lighten…

…to fade in and out video and audio transitions.

A Closer Look At The State-of-the-Art Editor

Fully Cloud-Based And Responsive

There’s absolutely nothing to download or install. To access Smart Video Revolution…all you need are an internet connection and a device.

Smart Video Revolution runs on the cloud, allowing for fast individualized video creation and handling every aspect on the way. This also means no long rendering times with on-the-fly real-time video edits as…

…The software customizes every video with dynamic content, taking care of the encoding and transcoding so that your personalized videos can be viewed on any device and browser. You can play your videos on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.

What Can You Personalize With Smart Video Revolution?







Smart Video Player

Drive more conversions from every personalized interactive video with Smart Video Player, an interactive video player focused on Individualized Video interactions.

It helps you create deep connections that drive business results, by displaying an individualized call to action for each person.

Use personalized interactive videos to get a higher response rate from your segmented audience.

Create Vertical Videos sized for Instagram or Square Videos for Facebook with ease. Pick-n-add from professionally designed 20 Video Play Button Icons, 25 Click Here To Play Graphics and Video Wrapper Graphics.

The Kind Of Videos You Can Create With Smart Video Revolution…

Modernize Your Sales Process. Make a striking first impression with your brand using personalized videos. Move your prospects from consideration to decision stage faster with videos.

Personalized Sales Contracts

Switch to video sales contract from complex paper works. Sending out personalized video contracts help your sales prospects understand your message better and in a non-boring way.

Add relevant text, image inside videos, animation effects, video thumbnail to personalize sales contracts for an effective selling.

Personalized Quote Videos

Insert unique details of your customers like their first name, company name, images into the video to personalize it.

Send a personalized sales quote with personalized audio, text, video thumbnail and call-to-action to confirm the quote right inside the video.

Hyper-Personalized Onboarding Videos

Insert a personalized onboarding video via email or… when a customer submits a demo request, showing them an interactive onboarding video provides a personalized experience on-demand.

Personalized Demo Videos

Send Personalized Pre-sales Demo to Every Prospect. Engage, Acquire Prospects and Drive More Sales.

Pre-Recorded Personalized Cold-Email Videos

Weed Out Unqualified Leads. Sending out cold emails to get on a call with your prospects to prove your product potential is time-consuming. With pre-recorded personalized demo videos, you can reduce the sales cycle time.

Built-In Smart Library

Smart Video Revolution comes with a built-in Smart Library.

Here you will find exclusive resources created for Smart Video Revolution members’ use only.

There are Over 250+ Pure Quality Base Level Videos, 25 Niche Scripts and 50 Audio Tracks.

You also get FREE access to an additional tool – Template Generator.

Use this to create custom templates of your campaigns that can be replicated over and over again. This saves time and can help automate a huge chunk of your work…making your business more efficient and profitable.

3-Day LIVE Smart Training

To help you get started on the right note, we have outlined a 3-session state-of-the-art interactive training like you’ve never seen before.

Join me to learn how you can leverage Smart Video Revolution to make HUGE profits by personalizing videos for your Marketing, Email Campaigns, Sales and Business Demoing.

Smart Integrations With Major Autoresponders

To Help You Share Your Campaigns Via Email

Custom Autoresponders

VR (VideoRemix) is personally the best I’ve seen for Creating Traffic, Capturing Leads & Converting Sales for ANY business online (or off). Bottomline: VR is the best in Video Sales Marketing!

David F. E. Ponciano

David F. E. Ponciano

Internet Marketer

Video Remix is an awesome tool to use to market your own business and bring in new clients. I have a marketing company and have been using Video Remix for a couple months and can tell you that is rocks. If you don’t have it, Get it now!

Rick Octane

Rick Octane

Internet Marketer

Smart Video Revolution Commercial License

Only during this special launch period, you can get access to the Smart Video Revolution Commercial License without paying extra for it every month.

The usual fee for this license is $497 per month. A personalized video normally costs between $1,500- $2,000 a pop.

And selling this as a service to clients means you can easily make 4-5 figures per month, with just 15 minutes of work every day.

Video Personalization is one of the most sought after services on platforms like Fiverr and UpWork.

Some of The Businesses That Would Be Really Interested In Personalized Videos Are…

Insurance & Banking Industry

Building lasting relationships and trust play a crucial role in this industry.

You can help them use personalized videos and customize their plans and reports to deliver the best customer experience.

With ever-increasing competition, financial institutions around the globe are known to spend BIG money for gaining new customers and retaining old ones. Charge them per project or a retainer fee payable every month.

There are really no limits on the kind of money you can make with such clients.

Travel Industry

This is one of the fastest expanding industries in the world today.

Offer to help them customize travel itinerary videos according to users’ tastes. Speed up user’s decision-making using personalized travel itinerary.

Service Apps

These include cab rides, food delivery and digital money transfer apps.

Offer to help them Humanize customer conversations using personalized videos to drive customer satisfaction.

Special Launch Only Bonuses


35 Social Media Post Template

Turn Our DFY Social Media Post into dynamic live lead buster forms. Share with your community and collect leads at the same time.


100 Motivational Video Ads

Motivation is now money vacation. Transform motivational videos into lead generation.


Video Overlays

Turn Up The Heat On Lead Generation by adding exception Video Overlays To Your Lead Generation.

“Just Wanted to Say Thanks”


Business Owner

“Personalizing Videos Helped Gain Customer Attention to My Business”


Business Owner

No-Risk. Money-Back Guarantee

This being the first-of-its-kind platform being offered on JVZoo… we understand that you might feel a little unsure simply because of the pure class being offered at such a low one-time fee.

But we also know that this platform will transform your entire Marketing Strategy. That’s the reason we decided to let you have a go at it without any risk whatsoever.

It will just take an hour or so for you to totally fall-in-love with Smart Video Revolution. However, we are still going to offer you a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Try Smart Video Revolution and just in case you don’t feel that you want to use it – simply ask for a refund within 7 days of your purchase and get your money back.

Choose Your Smart Video Revolution Plan


Smart Video Revolution Commercial License

most value


Smart Video Revolution Commercial License

Really Got the Wheels Turned In

Marshall Utterback

Video Expert

Absolutely Priceless


Business Owner

I hate to be the one to tell you that you’re already late to the party:

And Now The More You Delay – The More Money You Leave On The Table

Today, it’s important for your business to create a real interactive personalized dialogue with your customers – wherever, whenever and however they’re ready to listen and respond.

Your business communications need to be convenient, accessible and easy for everyone to understand. This kind of customer service experience is no longer just expected these days. In fact, it’s demanded.

Personalization is the key to building trust with your audience. It increases opens, clicks, and conversions, and with Smart Video Revolution’s incredible personalization options, it’s possible to do both at scale and on a very personal level.

Now here’s the thing…

Even if you have a solid video marketing strategy…you would have realized by now that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach that you can adopt today.

After all, your audience may be in the millions, but you are still speaking to one customer at a time.

Smart Video Revolutions allows you to include intangible and critically important elements to your marketing and overall business strategy… such as interactivity, speed, and convenience…


By way of hyper-relevant and personalized video content


By way of right-moment, click-of-the-button customer service


By way of choosing the right channel i.e. via email or social media and appropriate timing to reach out to the customers

With That Been Said…

Smart Video Revolution is a high-value platform. It requires high maintenance costs and timely quality upgrades.

This is the reason we can’t offer Smart Video Platform at a low one-time fee (that it is being currently offered at).

As soon as the launch ends – the price will change to a much higher monthly and annual subscription plan.

The bonuses will cease to be a part of the plan and the commercial license would cost you an extra $497 per month.

This special launch is just our way of introducing this advanced technology. Action-takers stand to gain a lot, while those who would wait…will definitely end up leaving a lot of money on the table.

With a 7-day money-back guarantee in place, it is the perfect chance for you to try Smart Video Revolution totally risk-free.

Get started today and watch your conversions, sales and profits skyrocket.

I hope to see you soon inside the Members Area.

To your success,

Dean Gilmore

Vice President Sales at VideoRemix

Have Questions? Ask Away…

Absolutely. We have built Smart Video Revolution from ground-up making sure throughout the development phase that all the magic (tech. stuff) happens behind-the-scenes.

You as a user need no video or tech. Skills whatsoever. If you can point-n-click… you’re good to go.

Only if you get access to the Smart Video Revolution Commercial Plan. Also, keep in mind, that once this launch is over – the Commercial License would be charged extra. But if you get access to it now, you would get grandfathered access to the platform and the commercial license at a one-time small fee.

The offer will not be the same. After this special launch comes to an end, we will first focus on our new customers. After a few months, when we decide to open it at the marketplace across various platforms and on our own website, this SaaS platform will be offered at a much higher monthly & yearly subscription basis.

Please send us your query here and our team will get in touch.

Choose Your Smart Video Revolution Plan


Smart Video Revolution Commercial License

most value


Smart Video Revolution Commercial License

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